Customize Your Wiki

This page will be explaining how to change the styles of one specific page, using CSS.


You can add the .page-PAGENAME class before any other CSS styles, which will target the page called PAGENAME (including the namespace text).

To target the namespace, append .ns-NS# to the page name selector (with no space) where NS# is a namespace ID.


/* Selects "CSS Applied To One Page" in the main namespace */
.page-CSS_Applied_To_One_Page.ns-0 .WikiaPageContentWrapper {
	color: purple;

/* Selects "Policy" in this wiki's project namespace */
.page-Customize_Your_Wiki_Policy.ns-4 .WikiaPageContentWrapper {
	color: purple;

/* PROBLEMATIC: Selects "Customize Your Wiki Policy" in the main namespace
   AND "Policy" in this wiki's project namespace */
.page-Customize_Your_Wiki_Policy .WikiaPageContentWrapper {
	color: purple;


You can also select:

  • The action (like view or edit) with .action-ACTION where ACTION is the action
  • Pages the current user can edit with .mw-editable
  • The root page of a subpage with .rootpage-ROOTPAGE where ROOTPAGE is the root page (for example Hi is the root page of Hi/Subpage)

in the same way as selecting a namespace (remember: no spaces in between these special selectors, but spaces in between them and your other selectors)
